
Friday, March 26, 2004

By Stockton

The war on terrorism has entered its fourth year. Our wartime leader must be under a great deal of stress. Now seems an appropriate time to ask the following: Could war related stress shove Bush off the wagon?

I raise this question as a person who deeply cares about those suffering from substance abuse problems. Indeed, I urge President Bush to seek help. Please Mr. President, it is not too late to seek help .

The link between stress and cracking open a fifth of Jack Daniels is well documented . How soon before the failure to find Osama or WMD's, drives President Bush to the local Stop 'n Go for a few bottles of Wild Turkey?

Our country cannot afford to allow President Bush to fall off the wagon. We must ask, nay demand, that he enter treatment now, or step aside in the upcoming election. To that end, I beg that administration officials, Cheney, Rumsfeld et. al., plan an intervention as soon as possible.

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