
Tuesday, April 20, 2004

By Stockton

The foreign policy and defense experts at the White House must be fit to be tied. Three members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee have harshly criticized the Bush Administration for post-war planning.

Senator Biden, the highest-ranking Democrat on the committee, said, "I think it is outrageous that the administration has not provided every witness we've asked for."

"The fact that they are not prepared to send a witness means that they are either totally incompetent and they don't have anything to tell us ... or they're refusing to allow us to fulfill our constitutional responsibility" of congressional oversight, Biden said.

The extraordinary hubris of the current junta has riled not only Communists like Senator Biden who actively work for the destruction of the United States, but Senators Hagel and Lugar, apparently the last two adult-Republican Senators left in captivity.

Senator Hagel said that "deteriorating security in Iraq may force the United States to reintroduce the military draft." Yes, that's right Bush ass lickers, D-E-T-E-R-I-O-R-A-T-I-N-G condition in Iraq.

Richard Lugar, another responsible adult, had harsher words, slamming the White House for "inadequate planning and communication related to Iraq."


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