
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

By Stockton

A White House insider confirmed that part of Bush's reelection strategy will be to blame Bill Clinton for everything that has gone wrong with the country since about 1970. "We tried to pin Vietnam on him," the source, who did not wish to reveal his identity, said, "but that sneaky rat wrote that damn letter in protest."

The timing of the revelation ties to the release of Clinton's memoirs, entitled "Willy Wonks Washington".

"A clear line can be drawn between Clinton, the hostage crisis in Iran, the death of Mother Theresa, the split up of the Beatles and the huge Federal deficit created in the 1980s," said Republican strategist Arch Stanton. "The dots are all there, it's just a matter of connecting them." Other Republican strategists have noted that Clinton was alive when both space shuttles blew up: "The coincidence is eerie."

When pressed to explain the relevance to Bush's campaign against war hero, and all-around good guy Senator John Kerry, who had no official role in the Clinton administration, Stanton noted that "both 'Clinton' and 'Kerry' begin with the hard 'k' sound."

LickinBush political analyst Pillsbury comments: "This strategy is fucking brilliant."

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