
Friday, April 30, 2004

By Tweed

Wow! Iraq administrator L. Paul Bremer is a traitor!

In a speech prior to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Iraq administrator L. Paul Bremer echoed the criticisms of Richard Clarke claiming that the Bush administration was not serious about terrorism. Followers of the Bush administration's "War on Traitors" are speculating what consequences may fall on Bremer.

"We expect to be asked to haul out the smear machine," said one White House flunky, veteran of the Battle Against Richard Clarke, brandishing a white paper entitled "Bremer and Child Molestation." LB in 04 political commentator Pillsbury suggested that Bremer may go missing after not showing up to his plane out of Iraq, as a consequence. "I'd watch my ass," said Pillsbury.

But Pillsbury saw another result possible as well: "There is a distinction here that Karl Rove might figure out," said Pillsbury. "Bremer made these comments before he joined the administration - thus he is not a complete traitor. And his lack of faith in the administration can be pointed to as the cause of our failures in Iraq."

LB in 04 has unconfirmed reports of the President saying "can't wait to get that Negro, Ponte out there to Iran so that that that other fella, you know, that guy out there who is expendable, can, you know, get expended." When confronted with statements from White House staffers about the planned blitz, Bush replied "I didn't get a blow job."

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