Tuesday, April 06, 2004
By Stockton
In a pleasant surprise, "He Who Shall Not Be Named" failed to get the requisite number of signatures for the Oregon ballot. HWSNBN received approximately 700 signatures, far less than the 1,000 signatures required. Unfortunately, he has another shot at the ballot if he can find 15,000 politicially challenged progressive in Oregon to sign his petitions.
This must be part of the "second front" against George Bush. For Nader supporters, the message should be clear: "Hey! Douchebags! Don't fuck this one up!"
Oregon is critical in Kerry's electoral strategy. All of the Gore States are critical. Why this asshole wants 2-3% of people to decide this election is beyond me. But, then again, I ceased consumption of hallucinagenic drugs years ago, so I may not be seeing his stratgey in the proper light.
In a related story, 300 Oregonians cease using cheeba and peyote.
By Stockton
In a pleasant surprise, "He Who Shall Not Be Named" failed to get the requisite number of signatures for the Oregon ballot. HWSNBN received approximately 700 signatures, far less than the 1,000 signatures required. Unfortunately, he has another shot at the ballot if he can find 15,000 politicially challenged progressive in Oregon to sign his petitions.
This must be part of the "second front" against George Bush. For Nader supporters, the message should be clear: "Hey! Douchebags! Don't fuck this one up!"
Oregon is critical in Kerry's electoral strategy. All of the Gore States are critical. Why this asshole wants 2-3% of people to decide this election is beyond me. But, then again, I ceased consumption of hallucinagenic drugs years ago, so I may not be seeing his stratgey in the proper light.
In a related story, 300 Oregonians cease using cheeba and peyote.