
Friday, April 23, 2004

By Co-Editor Stockton

We here at Lickin' Bush in '04 have been deluged by an e-mail perplexed at our endorsement of Congressman Herr Toomey. If you haven't noticed, Lickin Bush in '04 tends to the left of center on the ideological spectrum (although we take every precaution to maintain some balance and fairness).

Our support for Toomey is real. The following is our rationale.

The Democratic Party is the last remaining national political party. In 2000, Democratic Nominee Albert Gore carried states as diverse as Maine, New Mexico, Iowa, New York and Oregon. Additionally, a majority of voters in NH and Florida rejected George W. Bush, who carried those states because of 'He Who Must Not Be Named'. Non-Bush sentiment could be found in every region in the nation with the exception of some square states in the Rocky Mountain region where no one actually lives. Our conclusion is that but for Quixotic third-party whackos, the Republican Party is a Southern/Mid-western Party and nothing more than the legislative wing of the Southern Christian Conservative movement.

We here at LB in '04 believe that the defeat of moderate to liberal Republicans will help the nation realize this actuality and result in the rejection of the Republican's tired, preachy, tyrannical policies.

The defeat of the last remaining liberal Republicans will aid us in this effort. There are not many left in captivity and Federal Law now prohibits their breeding. Specter(PA), Collins and Snow (ME), Chaffee (RI) may be the last of the Grand Rockefeller Wing of the GOP. We urge that they perform a 'Jeffords' or, unfortunately, face primary fights from the Republican Party. When these Senators are defeated (either by their ideological brethren or by Republicans) the nation and press may finally realize the Islamist - like danger posed by the GOP.

Once upon a time, the GOP had a rich tradition of diversity. It was the party that freed the slaves and the party that ultimately got a host of Civil Rights Legislation enacted. In the recent past, the GOP could once point to great public servants like Mark Hatfield, Everett Dirksen, Hugh Scott, Howard Baker, Henry Cabot Lodge and Nelson Rockefeller. Now they can point, with shame, to Tom Delay, Dick Armey, Weasel Toomey, Rick "stop fucking animals" Santorum and Bendover Bill Frist. A grand party that has fallen a long way.

It is time that elected officials support the party that best reflects their ideology. Zell Miller should have left the Democratic Party years ago. He has, in all but party registration. We would gladly give-up Zell for people like Snow, Collins and Chaffee.

Ironically, we do not put President Bush into the radical-right category. Nay, we presume, based on the divergence of his walk and talk, that he is nothing more than a political pragmatist. President Bush' policies might cross the line into the reactionary but we believe this is because he is easily swayed by stronger personalities.

So, vote Toomey, defeat the last few moderate Republicans and show the nation that the Republican Party is in reality monolithic, reactionary and fascist at its new and shrinking heart.


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