
Thursday, May 06, 2004


In a stunning development, President Bush has requested the resignation of Secretary Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld has been plagued with criticism the past week over the Iraqi Prison scandal. LickinBush in '04 has learned that Secretary Rumsfeld will step down next week.

Only one name to replace Mr. Rumsfeld has been circulating throughout the Capital. The candidate is a New York businessman, well respected in every circle of life.

On the situation in Iraq, Mr. Corleone said, "We are all reasonable men here. We can reason together to end the bloodshed. After all, it's bad for business."

The breaking news is bad for many at the Pentagon. It is well-known that Mr. Corleone always works with the same people who will, no doubt, be coming to Washington with him.

"Bremer's out, Tessio's in," said Corleone spokesman Peter Clemenza. Asked about a possible role for Paul Wolfowitz, Clemenza said, "Oh, Paulie, you won't see him no more."

Well known New York attorney Tom Hagen is expected to replace Negroponte as the new ambassador to Iraq. In fact, Hagen has already been dispatched to Iraq to negotiate with insurgent cleric Muqtada al Sadr.

At a White House Briefing earlier today, Mr. Corleone said, "I met with the President out of respect. Me and his grandfather made alot of money in the old days. I accepted this job out of respect. But I am a superstitious man. And if something should befall one of my sons, if a plane goes down or a bolt of lightning hits, I will blame someone in this room."

President Bush did not make a statement.

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