Friday, May 28, 2004
By the Editors
The editors of LB in '04 receive periodic correspondence from loyal readers. We'd like to share one particular e-mail we recently received. It is particularly inspiring.
This E-Mail raises a number of interesting questions. First, how did the reader know that the editors are in desperate need of such a pharmaceutical? We are, but how did you find out?
Secondly, do they have to tell us we'd gain three full inches in length. I just assumed it wouldn't be three inches in width.
Thirdly, I don't know what a peeeniiis is and if I have one I'm not sure I want it three inches longer and 20% wider.
Fourth, if it is 100% safe, doesn't that mean NO side effects?
Finally, we realize that the peeeniiis will be much bigger, but delivery worldwide? Isn't that a bit exaggerated? I'd be happy if I could deliver it to the next room.
Now, if we are talking about what I think we're talking about, I have some questions.
If the erection is "RockHard", can it sustain damage, such as chipping or cracking?
Will the peeeniiis continue to "actually grow" ad infinitum, or will growth eventually stop. I would hate to have to buy new pants every few weeks.
Finally, No. 8 suggests there will be no "Pumps". If there are to be no Pumps, why am I taking the drug. I thought it was to enhance my pumping.
We always enjoy fan mail. Have a great weekend
By the Editors
The editors of LB in '04 receive periodic correspondence from loyal readers. We'd like to share one particular e-mail we recently received. It is particularly inspiring.
You've heard about these pills on TV, in the news,and online and
have probably asked yourself, "Do they really work?" The answer is
YES! IGF2 is a powerful erection enhancing product that will
create erections so strong and full that over time your penis will
actually grow as a direct result! If you would like a more
satisfying sex life then IGF2 is for you!
1. Gain Up To three* Full Inches In Length!
2. Increase Your Peeeniiis Width (Girth) By 20%!
3. Stop Premature Ejaculation!
4. Produce Stronger, Rock Hard Erections!
5. 100% Safe To Take, With NO Side Effects!
6. Fast Priority Shipping WorldWide!
7. Doctor Approved And Recommended!
8. No Pumps! No Surgery!
This E-Mail raises a number of interesting questions. First, how did the reader know that the editors are in desperate need of such a pharmaceutical? We are, but how did you find out?
Secondly, do they have to tell us we'd gain three full inches in length. I just assumed it wouldn't be three inches in width.
Thirdly, I don't know what a peeeniiis is and if I have one I'm not sure I want it three inches longer and 20% wider.
Fourth, if it is 100% safe, doesn't that mean NO side effects?
Finally, we realize that the peeeniiis will be much bigger, but delivery worldwide? Isn't that a bit exaggerated? I'd be happy if I could deliver it to the next room.
Now, if we are talking about what I think we're talking about, I have some questions.
If the erection is "RockHard", can it sustain damage, such as chipping or cracking?
Will the peeeniiis continue to "actually grow" ad infinitum, or will growth eventually stop. I would hate to have to buy new pants every few weeks.
Finally, No. 8 suggests there will be no "Pumps". If there are to be no Pumps, why am I taking the drug. I thought it was to enhance my pumping.
We always enjoy fan mail. Have a great weekend