
Saturday, May 01, 2004


Welcome, loyal LB in 04 readers, to the new month. We at LB in 04 urge our new readers to check out our archives to see what they missed over the last two months.

For our first post in the new month, we bring you a GUEST ARTICLE (edited by Stockton and Tweed) from one of our earliest readers, Big Al. Read it and weep:

By Big Al

Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice-President of the National Rifle Association, announced the chartering of the organization’s newest chapter: NRA Falluja. The Falluja NRA chapter marks the gun-owning communities expansion into the newly freed nation of Iraq. “We are taking aim at gun restrictions in Falluja” said LaPierre. “No sooner have the people of Iraq been freed from the tyranny of Saddam than the jack-booted critics of gun rights have tried to take away Iraqis’ right to bear arms. But, no law, no gag order, no force or fear will ever silence the legitimate political voice of this great association.”

The city, a sandy mix of wide boulevards and back alleys along the Euphrates River west of Baghdad, poses what American military officials say is an immensely complicated and dangerous urban combat terrain but what LaPierre says is an “enormous, unprecedented opportunity for all defenders and supporters of the Second Amendment to stop those who would destroy the Second Amendment behind the guise of fighting terrorism. Plus, they get a tote bag.”

NRA Falluja members will enjoy all the benefits of membership of U.S. NRA members. One lucky member of NRA Falluja just might win a Winchester model 1866 rifle in the Charlton Heston “Cold Dead Hands” Rifle Contest . NRA Falluja is also offering all new members who sign-up with the organization before June 1, 2004, the NRA 16 oz colored acrylic tumbler, great for hot or cold beverages and a handy tote bag, perfect for transporting small caliber weapons and ammunition.

The NRA hopes to expand its membership throughout newly freed Iraq through grassroots development, gun safety meetings and local Youth Jihad Clubs. "You have to get them while they're young," said Mr. LaPierre.

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