Friday, June 11, 2004
By Stockton
Administration officials were pleased with the findings, noting that the President's policy of not telling his daughter's about his DUI must be working.
In a related story, blowjobs have decreased by 3.8% under President Bush.
By Stockton
More Americans Abuse Alcohol, Study Finds
Thu Jun 10,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More Americans are abusing alcohol than in the 1990s, but fewer are technically alcoholics, U.S. government researchers said on Thursday
They found that the number of American adults who abuse alcohol or are alcohol dependent rose to 17.6 million or 8.46 percent of the population in 2001-2002 from 13.8 million or 7.41 percent of the population in 1991-1992.
Administration officials were pleased with the findings, noting that the President's policy of not telling his daughter's about his DUI must be working.
In a related story, blowjobs have decreased by 3.8% under President Bush.