
Tuesday, June 22, 2004

By Stockton

Illinois voters are outraged at GOP Senate Candidate Jack Ryan's snub of Illinois Sex Clubs.

Jack Ryan a GOP Senate candidate took his then wife, actress Jeri Ryan, to sex clubs in New York, Paris and New Orleans, according to divorce papers recently made public. Illinois voters are uniform in their disapproval.

"We got perfectly good sex clubs here," said Roscoe Spunkmeier. "Why's he taking her to Paris and Jew York City? If Illinois sex clubs aren't good enough for him, maybe he's not good enough for Illinois."

State Representative Randi Meizner was more critical. "The State Republican Party circulates a list of good Illinois sex clubs. Jack Ryan knew that and still insisted on taking business out of state. I think he's finished."

A spokesperson for Local 6969 of the International Sex Workers Union said that the union would likely be withdrawing its endorsement of the republican.

Ryan's wife, Jeri Ryan, starred in Star Trek Voyager as well as Boston Public. Ryan was quite explicit in her divorce papers, stating how Jack Ryan wanted her to perform the Vulcan Cock-Pull as well as the Furangi Meat Pole Dance.


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