
Monday, June 07, 2004

By Tweed

LB in 04 has learned that the real reason George Tenet resigned from the head of the CIA was that his "visions" were beginning to run counter to Bush administration policies.

"I had a sixth sense about the terrorist attacks in September 2001," said Tenet. "The President appreciated this new form of intelligence and kept me on for as long as my visions comported with his policies."

Tenet, who admits that some of his visions are "downright wierd", claimed that President Bush began to have doubts about Tenet when his visions turned, in the President's words, "very perturbular."

"I had visions of Bush burning in hell, of Kerry as President, of Dick Cheney smiling and of an army of paper bag people dressed in colorful clothing." Tenet described many of his visions, but mentioned that the one that seemed to turn the President was the one he about clowns in the White Hosue.

"The president doesn't like clowns," said Tenet.

The President initially denied the allegations, but finally admitted that Tenet's claims were essentially correct. "Gotta do summthin bout them clowns."

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