Wednesday, August 25, 2004
With the election just seventy-three days away and polls and analysts predicting a close race, the Bush and Kerry Campaigns are focusing on every last vote. In recent days the campaigns have turned their attention to the 'swing' voter.
"The 'swing' voter group can be broken into two sub-categories," says Harvard Proefessor H. James Butterfield. "Those inclined towards music and the others inclined towards....well....uhm."
Do these Hep Cats hold the key to the 2000 election?
"The key to the music subgroup," says Butterfield, "is to get them while they're taking a brake. They're lively and always stomping to some Basie or Goodman riff. Campaigns would do best to send their workers into Soda and Malt shops. That's where these crazy kids tend to go after a night of swinging. And send someone who knows the difference between Coltrane and Rollins for godsake."
The other swing subgroup is a bit more difficult to reach. A very special campaign organizer needs to be found to reach these potential voters.

Do these swing voters hold the key to victory?
"It's difficult to get this group dressed and to their polling place," says Butterfield. "But, if you can do it, they'll always bring a friend or two along with them when they go to vote."
With the election just seventy-three days away and polls and analysts predicting a close race, the Bush and Kerry Campaigns are focusing on every last vote. In recent days the campaigns have turned their attention to the 'swing' voter.
"The 'swing' voter group can be broken into two sub-categories," says Harvard Proefessor H. James Butterfield. "Those inclined towards music and the others inclined towards....well....uhm."

Do these Hep Cats hold the key to the 2000 election?
"The key to the music subgroup," says Butterfield, "is to get them while they're taking a brake. They're lively and always stomping to some Basie or Goodman riff. Campaigns would do best to send their workers into Soda and Malt shops. That's where these crazy kids tend to go after a night of swinging. And send someone who knows the difference between Coltrane and Rollins for godsake."
The other swing subgroup is a bit more difficult to reach. A very special campaign organizer needs to be found to reach these potential voters.

"It's difficult to get this group dressed and to their polling place," says Butterfield. "But, if you can do it, they'll always bring a friend or two along with them when they go to vote."