Thursday, August 26, 2004
By Tweed
Yesterday, former Democratic Georgia Senator, Vietnam War veteran and triple amputee Max Cleland proved too elusive for a Texas state official. "He's one slippery sohmbitch," said Jerry Patterson, also a Vietnam Veteran. "He would not face me. He kept rolling away from me. He's quite mobile."*
Cleland was trying to personally deliver a letter signed by war veterans and Democratic Senators Daniel Inouye, Ernest Hollings, Tom Harkin, Jack Reed, Tom Carper, Jon Corzine and Frank Lautenberg (that's at least one Bronze Star and one Medal of Honor to Bush's Best Bar-Tending Citation - and we're just talking about Inouye) suggesting that Bush has a special duty to condemn the attacks on Kerry from the Swift Boat Bozos for Lunacy.
But the Chickenhawk made his point. He wanted to deliver a letter to Senator Kerry (one Bronze Star and one Silver Star to Bush's Smoothest Shave Award), which read, in part "you can't have it both ways. You can't build your convention and much of your campaign around your service in Vietnam, and then try to say that only those veterans who agree with you have a right to speak up,"* thus contradicting his prior condemnation of 527 advertising.
Cleland (Silver Star and Really Big Purple Heart to Bush's Best Pina Colada award) is quite mobile in his wheelchair, as is evidenced by his having scored 25 points and grabbed 11 boards for the New York Knicks in game two of the 1994 NBA championship series, subbing for an injured Charles Oakley. Nonetheless, it seems odd that Mr. Patterson could not deliver a letter to him.
In defense, Mr. Patterson made the following comment: "Tweren't fair. He had some souped-up gizmo type uh wheelchair that made him super quick."
Patterson Claims Cleland Operated This Special
Wheelchair to Avoid Receiving Bush's Letter
And by the way; Bush lied during his one run for Congress - claiming he had served in the Air Force.
* Actual quote.
By Tweed
Yesterday, former Democratic Georgia Senator, Vietnam War veteran and triple amputee Max Cleland proved too elusive for a Texas state official. "He's one slippery sohmbitch," said Jerry Patterson, also a Vietnam Veteran. "He would not face me. He kept rolling away from me. He's quite mobile."*
Cleland was trying to personally deliver a letter signed by war veterans and Democratic Senators Daniel Inouye, Ernest Hollings, Tom Harkin, Jack Reed, Tom Carper, Jon Corzine and Frank Lautenberg (that's at least one Bronze Star and one Medal of Honor to Bush's Best Bar-Tending Citation - and we're just talking about Inouye) suggesting that Bush has a special duty to condemn the attacks on Kerry from the Swift Boat Bozos for Lunacy.
But the Chickenhawk made his point. He wanted to deliver a letter to Senator Kerry (one Bronze Star and one Silver Star to Bush's Smoothest Shave Award), which read, in part "you can't have it both ways. You can't build your convention and much of your campaign around your service in Vietnam, and then try to say that only those veterans who agree with you have a right to speak up,"* thus contradicting his prior condemnation of 527 advertising.
Cleland (Silver Star and Really Big Purple Heart to Bush's Best Pina Colada award) is quite mobile in his wheelchair, as is evidenced by his having scored 25 points and grabbed 11 boards for the New York Knicks in game two of the 1994 NBA championship series, subbing for an injured Charles Oakley. Nonetheless, it seems odd that Mr. Patterson could not deliver a letter to him.
In defense, Mr. Patterson made the following comment: "Tweren't fair. He had some souped-up gizmo type uh wheelchair that made him super quick."

Patterson Claims Cleland Operated This Special
Wheelchair to Avoid Receiving Bush's Letter
And by the way; Bush lied during his one run for Congress - claiming he had served in the Air Force.
* Actual quote.