
Friday, August 27, 2004

By Stockton

As you all know by now, Friday at LB in '04 is dedicated to wingnuttery (actually, we just made this decision on Thursday). So here are some coherent comments from our rightwing friends from around the blogosphere.

From: Blogs for Bush (apparently a Pro-Bush site I discovered when surfing for porn).

The following post is off-topic(Forgive, Please)! However, you all need to watch the recorded clips of this upcoming Documentary. These are POW's who have a story to tell America. Let's help get the story out to the entire Web.
The TOTAL TRUTH about Hanoi John Kerry as told by POW's who suffered the Hell that resulted from his lies. Send it to every Military Veteran and every DECENT American you know.

Posted by
leaddog2 at August 26, 2004 05:20 PM

Yes, Leaddog2 (what happened to Leaddog1?), the POW's and VC sat around and closely monitored John Kerry's activities. I'm sure they just flipped on the old Magnovox and watched his Senate testimony. And are you really sure every DECENT American needs a copy? I mean, wouldn't a DECENT American already know that John Kerry is personally responsible for every act of brutality against POW's. John McCain certainly holds him responsible.

What concerns me is all this argument about history and who-was-where is taking attention away from the two main things: Kerry's betrayal in his 1971 Senate testimony, and his meeting with the Vietnamese communists in Paris.
Half of this country has forgotten the seriousness of having an enemy and meaning of the word enemy, which means half the country does not realize the seriousness of Kerry aiding the enemy.
Posted by
michael parker at August 26, 2004 06:46 PM

If half the....then the other half...picked a peck of pickled enemies then the country will.... Yikes, Michael. Someone forgot to wear their helmet when they rode the small bus to school.

I agree with you 100%. The Swift Vets are building up to this part in their campaign to make sure Kerry never becomes President.
What Kerry did AFTER Vietnam is far, far worse than any lies and exaggerations about his actual service.
No one who reads "Unfit for Command" can still vote for Kerry and claim they care about the United States. It's one or the other.
Posted by
KJC at August 26, 2004 07:09 PM

If half the people who read "Unfit for Command" cared about the United States, then the other half would care by reading "Unfit for Command" and .... Hey, didn't the number of people living under the poverty level just increase?

And someone said thoughtful, analytical political discourse was dead.


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