
Sunday, August 29, 2004


The Editors of Lickin' Bush in '04 are pleased to announce the unveiling of two new additions to the Stockton & Tweed Blog Family (a subsidiary of ConHugeCo.)

First, we are pleased to announce the Grand Opening of Stockton & Tweed's Family Friendly Juicy Sex Blog. We hope you enjoy.

Next, we are also pleased to announce the Grand Opening of Stockton & Tweed's How to Law School. This site was developed for all our friends that have entered law school or are seriously thinking about such an endeavor. It may also prove useful to people just entering practice. We hope you enjoy this lighthearted yet informative look at law school and the law.

These sites will not be updated on a daily basis. We will be updating them once or twice a week or whenever the spirit moves us. Now go Lick Bush! And hey, lets be careful out there.


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