
Thursday, September 16, 2004

By Stockton (this post includes an LB in '04 word puzzle. Find the code hidden in the text)

A tearful Colin Powell went in front of cameras today and admitted he was the Secretary of State in the Bush Administration. Powell, who has not been seen in public since 1992, emerged from seclusion to make the annoucement.

"It is with great sadness that I come forward today and admit that I, Colin Powell, am indeed, the United States Secretary of State for the Bush Administration. I have decided to come forward because I can no longer lie to my family and friends. These past three years have been a nightmare. I could no longer live with the rumors and whispers. I want people to know the truth. I am the Secretary of State!"

Powell explaining his role in foreign affairs

The stunning announcement shocked the United States and the world. For over three years the United States and the world believed the position of Secretary of State had been left vacant, a vestigial cabinet level position no longer needed in today's foreign policy. It remains to be seen whether Powell will assume the role of Secretary of State and or merely acknowledge the positions title.

The White refused to confirm or deny Powell's claim.


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