
Friday, September 10, 2004

By Stockton

Here's another addition of Wingnut Friday. Forget polls, pollsters and political analysts. These are examples of why Bush is competitive in any political race (remember, by definition, half of all americans are of below average intelligence). Here there be reviews of Bush's Biography, "A Charge to Keep". Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.


Steven R. Travers (CALIFORNIA) - See all my reviews I finally read this book, and did so in light of the mounting criticism of Bush as "dumb," along with attempts to discredit his military career. My sense at this point is to look at the available empirical evidence. George W. Bush was admitted to Yale and graduated in four years. He was a legacy, so getting in was assured, but many students do not graduate in four years, as he did. This is to his credit. His grades have not been released, but most of those who were there say he was about a B- student, which is quite respectable.

Next, he entered the U.S. Air Force, their version of the Reserves, which in his case was the Texas Air Guard. Perhaps he received some favoritism over others in getting a slot, but the evidence is he did not. The fact is, he was willing to "go jets," which few were willing or qualified to try out for. Bush went through a series of rigorous tests and passed them. He entered flight school, where the "wash out" rate is about 80 percent. He passed. He entered flight test, where the wash out rate is quite high. He passed. He qualified and flew jets. Here is the thing: People make movies and write books about this experience. "The Right Stuff", "Top Gun", "An Officer and a Gentleman" are all about exceptional young men who walk this trial by fire. Bush is one of them. He is a Top Gun - no, not the actual guys who are selected for Miramar by the Navy, not a Blue Angel, not Chuck Yeager, but he is one of an elite group of awesome Americans.

When Fleet Week comes around, and I see these pilots walking around town, my first reaction is that by virtue of having those wings they are top flight individuals, outstanding people. I do not ask whether they flew in combat or missed some drills. I know if they are wearing that uniform and have those wings they are studs. Bush was one of those men.

Is it me, or is there something really gay about this review? Bush is a Top Gun, an elite, awesome American? He also calls him a"stud". Stevie's in love...Stevie's in love. So lets sum up, Bush graduated college in four years. OK, impressive. Probably a feat that is only accomplished 3.8 million times a year. Does Stevie know his Top Gun was grounded and essentially useless as a warrior? And I thought stalkers were too busy building basement shrines to read books.

Gw Bush is a great Prezident!, June 1, 2004

wordnat "wordnat" (boise, idaho United States) - See all my reviews People who dont like "dub-yah" (as his dad the ist bush )herber Walker, jr. called him when he (GWB) was a kid in the past) arent good people of the USA if you ask me. if you watch the media which is read by democrats you get the idea that bush is not bright. this is wrong -- he's as bright as 1000 lightbulbs which is another thing that his dad said. it doesn't bother me that he doesn't read he has more to do than read while fighter wars to help others be able to go to church like we (usa) do. all clinton ever did was read. he needed to read less.

I just remembered why we have laws against incest. Who is the 'ist' Bush? Does he mean First Bush? And isn't that Laura? "When he was a kid in the past"? His father said he's as bright as 1000 lightbulbs? Whoa, wordnat. That's pretty fucking bright! Plus a new allegation: the media is read by Democrats. And wordnat, you really don't have to tell us how you feel about literacy. Your prose says it all.

Hear him out!, March 1, 2001
devon (va) - See all my reviewsEveryday we see him in the newspapers, thirdhand accounts of his beliefs and ideas. Now he tells you his side. This book is so inspirational, it really gives hope to America. You won't find bogged down descriptions of policy and the problems getting it passed in this book; it's all about "Dubya" himself. Do yourself a favor, and get to know and understand his policies so that as an American citizen you can have a better understanding of the issues.

So, Devon, we won't get bogged down in "descriptions of policy" but we should read the book to understand his policies? I'll pass and so will I. I think that about sums it up.

Remember folks, as much as you venerate the republican form of government, citizen participation and equality, Steve, Wordnat and Devon are allowed to vote. Democracy does have its drawbacks.


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