
Wednesday, October 27, 2004

AND CRYSTAL'S COMMENTS - HOWDY, CRYSTAL (originally published July 26)

Crystal, from Texas, has duly chastised LB in '04 for a recent article comparing Texas to Massachusetts. Welcome Crystal. We're glad you read and enjoy Lickin Bush.

i assume that since you think that bush is such a horibble person you also assume every one from texas is exactly like him? have you ever been to texas? im sure you all think that we all still ride horses and say howdy too? and we all have a southern cowboy accent? is that what you think cause you should realy keep your mouth shut untell you actually have any clue, of what texas is like! and your percentages are are erelavent if you actually used your brain youd relize texas is alot bigger than mass. so ofcourse texas is going to have a bigger percentage! sorry if i seem rude im not upset with the writer or anyone really, i just hate those people that talk so much shit to be like all the other bush haters and they dont even know anything about it, its just the cool thing to do, theres people every were that dislike some other person, theres good and bad people so get over it already you dislike bush fine your intitled to your own opinion but whats the point of taking it out on texas!!

crystal 07.26.04 - 12:33 am

We here at LB in '04 would like to apologize to Crystal from Texas. We mistakenly thought that using percentages would be proper when comparing different sized states. Next time we'll use the actual numbers rather than percentages. No more per capita for us.

We have also reviewed the article and found no reference to President Bush, cowboy accents or people saying 'Howdy'. We are willing to find those numbers, Crystal. If you are correct, we'll certainly indicate that the percentage of people in Texas who say 'Howdy' has plummeted.

One correction, however. You do not 'seem rude'. Telling someone to 'shut-up' or 'if youd use your brain' does not make you seem rude. Obviously, you are not a Bush supporter. I deduce that fact from your use of the word 's--t'. Please feel free to write again, but we do not allow profanity at LB in '04. We feel it detracts from the wholsesome, Family Values image we try to project.

Your point about not going to Texas is a good one. Before we publish any more Federal Statistics, we'll go to Texas and actually count the number of people living below the poverty level and speak with those who have been raped and murdered. We do value accuracy.

Thanks for the imput, Crystal. We relize you are intitled to your opinions, even if you think we're erelevant and horibble. We're happy you enjoy Lickin Bush as much as we do. Keep Lickin Bush and Yeah for Texas!


Texas is 48 in the nation in using capital letters;

Has suffered from a punctuation drought since 1979;

Howdy, Y'all


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