Wednesday, October 13, 2004
After we received Jen's complaint about the hairstyle of the model we used to portray her in our tribute to our friends, we thought the whole thing would blow over.
But Noooooooooo!
She's friggin' sending us emails about this! And pictures of Jeniffer Garner - "hey, that's who I want to be me"!
So, rather than contend with Jen's . . . obsession with this, we decided to go with the picture she sent to us.
Unfortunately, a number of things hampered us in this project. First, we couldn't figure out how to cut and paste the picture into our site. Stockton suggest some computer mumbo jumbo, and Tweed wanted to use scissors and tape.
Neither worked.
So we decided to find the picture some other way. No luck - can't find it anywhere else than from whence Jen emailed it to us. So now we've got to find another picture that will make Jen happy.
Stockton would have called Ms. Garner directly but is prohibited from doing so by a silly TRO (one man's wooing is another man's stalking).
Big Problems.
You see, we figured we'd find another great pictures which we could use to portray Jen and at the same time, give you Reason #76 of Why We're Democrats. But we ran into problems.
First, we've got to find a picture of Ms. Garner with her hair up to Ms. Good Intention's standards. Think about this site for a minute. Do you really think we're equiped to know what good hair looks like?
Second, we've got to find a picture that conveys - at the same time, mind you - "want to have sex with her" and "too afraid she'd kill me if I tried to have sex with her."
Well, all of this got us going in circles and confused, and gave us headaches and heartburn, and made us feel like even bigger idiots than we normally feel like.
We finally came down to two pictures, and just couldn't decide which one worked the best. Nonetheless, we're pretty sure, we think, we've got the right pictures.
So, Jen, take your pick:
Here it is: Reason #76 Why We're Democrats and Jen All in One:


So Jen, choose wisely.
After we received Jen's complaint about the hairstyle of the model we used to portray her in our tribute to our friends, we thought the whole thing would blow over.
But Noooooooooo!
She's friggin' sending us emails about this! And pictures of Jeniffer Garner - "hey, that's who I want to be me"!
So, rather than contend with Jen's . . . obsession with this, we decided to go with the picture she sent to us.
Unfortunately, a number of things hampered us in this project. First, we couldn't figure out how to cut and paste the picture into our site. Stockton suggest some computer mumbo jumbo, and Tweed wanted to use scissors and tape.
Neither worked.
So we decided to find the picture some other way. No luck - can't find it anywhere else than from whence Jen emailed it to us. So now we've got to find another picture that will make Jen happy.
Stockton would have called Ms. Garner directly but is prohibited from doing so by a silly TRO (one man's wooing is another man's stalking).
Big Problems.
You see, we figured we'd find another great pictures which we could use to portray Jen and at the same time, give you Reason #76 of Why We're Democrats. But we ran into problems.
First, we've got to find a picture of Ms. Garner with her hair up to Ms. Good Intention's standards. Think about this site for a minute. Do you really think we're equiped to know what good hair looks like?
Second, we've got to find a picture that conveys - at the same time, mind you - "want to have sex with her" and "too afraid she'd kill me if I tried to have sex with her."
Well, all of this got us going in circles and confused, and gave us headaches and heartburn, and made us feel like even bigger idiots than we normally feel like.
We finally came down to two pictures, and just couldn't decide which one worked the best. Nonetheless, we're pretty sure, we think, we've got the right pictures.
So, Jen, take your pick:
Here it is: Reason #76 Why We're Democrats and Jen All in One:


So Jen, choose wisely.