
Friday, November 12, 2004

By Tweed

Fundamentalist Christians are heeding the calls of many political leaders to aschew the rancor and bad feelings engendered over the recent years. Prominent among those is Bob Jones University President Bob Jones III (as reported by the Associated Press):

GREENVILLE, S.C. - Bob Jones III, president of the fundamentalist college that bears his name, has told President Bush he should use his electoral mandate to appoint conservative judges and approve legislation "defined by biblical norm."
"In your re-election, God has graciously granted America — though she doesn't deserve it — a reprieve from the agenda of paganism," Jones wrote Bush in a congratulatory letter posted on the university's Web site. "You have been given a mandate. ... Put your agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You owe the liberals nothing. They despise you because they despise your Christ," said the letter, dated Nov. 3.
"Never have there been written," said White House Press Secretary Scott "Goebbels" McClellen, "that reflect the goals of unity, compassion, understanding and love than those written by Bob Jones."

The President added "Bob Jones - great man . . . great leader. . . created a great in-sti-tu-tion of higher learning, education. Ya see; he knows how to bring people together to teach and learn from each other. And we should all listen to what he has to say."

When asked whether he believed that Senator John Kerry despised the Christ prayed to be Bush, Bob Jones replied that the answer was "obvious;" that Kerry's "papism would have resulted in the whole-sale slaughter of all true Christians." When asked why the United States did not deserve a reprieve from the agenda of paganism, Jones replied "because of the existence of the democratic party and pant-suits."


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