
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

LB in '04 UPDATE
By Stockton

Yes, Stockton is still alive and safely ensconced in the heart of Deep Blue Country (I've never been prouder of my region of the country and a big welcome aboard to New Hampshire). Tweed is missing in action behind enemy lines. We all hope for the best. The last contact had with the illustrious LB in '04 Editor was via car phone as he made his way, along with hundreds of other refugees, towards the Blue Corridor (ME through MD).

Apparently, the election was Tuesday. That explains the look on people's faces when I showed up at the Firehouse this morning.

So, what have we learned. I have learned the pre-Enlightenment attitudes are alive and well in the US of A. I've learned that the Bushites are extremely ungracious and bitter winners. I've learned that Charlie's Angels is on at 2:30 AM.

There is a bright side to this epic disaster. We will have Dubya to kick around for four more years. Just think of the potential for Stockton & Tweed. We do plan on announcing a new Blog before the end of the year and hope our regular readers will continue to stop by.

We fought the good fight, with good men and women (and Rusty). We were right, and the south and square states were wrong. Unfortunately, the Electoral College is not favorable at this time. I'd rather lose with Kerry than win with Bush. I can sleep at night and have no reason for shame.

Finally, I've learned that at least one poll from the past week was dead on accurate: the Right Direction - Wrong Direction poll had a clear trend towards Wrong Direction (in the low to mid 50's) Yesterday that trend continued. America is clearly on the wrong track.

I've read many rants and raves from both sides (and they are sides, we are not united and I for one can find little to no common ground with the Bushites) but Stockton prefers to endure America's humiliation with stoic dignity until this interim junta is gone and America elects a person we can be proud of.

It's a sad day when the majority of American males don't want to lick bush. They'll never know what they're missing.


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