Monday, November 15, 2004
You may have noticed a decrease in the volume of material being posted by your faithful servants, Stockton & Tweed, here at LB in '04. There are a number of causes - work on Stockton & Tweed's "How To Law School" and Stockton's alter boy trial, for example - but one cause stands above all others:
Yes, folks, you heard it here first. LB in '04 will soon become defunct and a new Stockton & Tweed site will become funct January 1, 2005. It will be functabulous and functaliscious. The name will be kept secret until then due to national security reasons. Knowing the name now may very well put your lives in danger.
Those of you concerned about access to LB in '04 have no fear - the ontological roots of Stockton & Tweed's blogomania will be archived and accessible through the new site.
Those of you concerned about the quality of the new site should have no fear as well - same low-grade, male adolescent sense of humor will pervade, although we pledge to try harder with respekt two our speling.
And don't be concerned about our losing our political standing. Our new site will be an all-out literary (OK, maybe not quite "literary" in the liberal elite sense) assault on all things RED. Like barns. Why the heck do barns have to be red!? And although RED will receive the full brunt of our rapier-like wit and disdain, remember, RED is more a state of mind than a geographic locale.
We at LB in '04 are truly thankful for the wonderful response we've had to our little ole' site. And we pray to our savior Jesus Christ that God protect you and keep your sick, disgusting, prurient laden, sorry-ass, wacko selves the hell away from our daughters - and sons (This means you, Jen).
In the meantime, we plan to maintain a steady stream. . . OK, a fairly steady stream of posts here at LB in 04.
Keep checking in - and we'll do the same.
You may have noticed a decrease in the volume of material being posted by your faithful servants, Stockton & Tweed, here at LB in '04. There are a number of causes - work on Stockton & Tweed's "How To Law School" and Stockton's alter boy trial, for example - but one cause stands above all others:
Yes, folks, you heard it here first. LB in '04 will soon become defunct and a new Stockton & Tweed site will become funct January 1, 2005. It will be functabulous and functaliscious. The name will be kept secret until then due to national security reasons. Knowing the name now may very well put your lives in danger.
Those of you concerned about access to LB in '04 have no fear - the ontological roots of Stockton & Tweed's blogomania will be archived and accessible through the new site.
Those of you concerned about the quality of the new site should have no fear as well - same low-grade, male adolescent sense of humor will pervade, although we pledge to try harder with respekt two our speling.
And don't be concerned about our losing our political standing. Our new site will be an all-out literary (OK, maybe not quite "literary" in the liberal elite sense) assault on all things RED. Like barns. Why the heck do barns have to be red!? And although RED will receive the full brunt of our rapier-like wit and disdain, remember, RED is more a state of mind than a geographic locale.
We at LB in '04 are truly thankful for the wonderful response we've had to our little ole' site. And we pray to our savior Jesus Christ that God protect you and keep your sick, disgusting, prurient laden, sorry-ass, wacko selves the hell away from our daughters - and sons (This means you, Jen).
In the meantime, we plan to maintain a steady stream. . . OK, a fairly steady stream of posts here at LB in 04.
Keep checking in - and we'll do the same.