
Monday, November 22, 2004

By Stockton

In what many see as the first salvo in the battle for the '08 GOP nomination, Illinois Republican Jerry Weller (11th Dist.) wed Zury Rios Sosa. Sosa is the daughter of former Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt. Many believe Montt will serve as a close advisor to Weller when the congressman runs for the White House.

"Rove is a fine campaign advisor," said an aid close to Weller. "But, Kerry and Edwards are still breathing. That's not the kind of thing you'll see with Signor Montt at your side."

Political Scientists were not surprised at the Weller move. "The GOP is in its dictatorial infancy," said Mark Goldstein, a political science professor at Columbia University. "With experts like Montt and Sosa at their side, they'll be able to fine tune their leadership style." As for the wedding:

Francisco Paloma, Rios Montt's personal notary public and lawyer, officiated, but the former dictator also led part of the religious proceedings.

The sound of his sermon carried outside the mansion, where he could be heard saying "the husband is the brains of his woman ... who should be loved like the church loves Christ."
Rios Montt, who embraced evangelical Christianity after leaving the army, also said "the science of marriage is to become one, just like the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."

Rios Sosa, who has been married three times before, will move to the United States and live with her husband. But she says she will not give up her seat in the senate, preferring to fly back to Guatemala to fulfill her legislative responsibilities.

Rios Sosa, an active supporter of her father who directed his presidential campaign, also helped Weller campaign after the U.S. Federal Election Commission voted unanimously to let her participate.

Weller requested the ruling to clarify a law prohibiting foreign nationals from making a contribution of money "or other thing of value" to candidates.

The Groom wore a black suit while the Bride wore a cream-colored, strapless gown and a shimmering strand of gold fillings. The tables were tastefully decorated with the preserved fingers and skulls of Montt's victims.

Weller's move was quickly known in political circles and counter-moves are already in progress. Pennsylvania Senator Rick "Man-Dog Sex" Santorum has invited Mussolini's great granddaughter to D.C. to discuss "his future" while Alan Keyes has expressed interest in meeting with Ida Amin's children. The Noriega and Sukarno children are still available.


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