Monday, December 06, 2004
By Stockton
In a brazen display, Saudi Nationals attacked the American Consulate in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia. American consulates, like embassies, are United States soil so the attack was not on a diplomatic facility, but against America itself.
According to sources, the Saudi Government is anxiously awaiting President Bush's response to this declaration of war. "He attacked Iraq and Iraq never attacked the United States," said Prince Awah Fatwah I'bn Saud. "I tremble thinking about what he might do to us. After all, Saudi's have actually attacked American soil."
The Saudi Government blames the attack on "deviant" groups that are not representative of a majority of Saudi's. "Yes," said Prince Minniehaha, "deviant groups. Maybe...I don't know....Rotarians or Gay Scout Masters or the Elks Club."
The Bush Doctrine, which makes no distinction between terrorist groups and countries that harbor terrorists, may bode ill for Somalia, according to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. "The Saudi attack on our consulate is further evidence that Somalia poses an imminent threat to the United States of America. Or maybe it's Oman. It's a confusing doctrine."

Possible mastermind of the Deviants behind Consulate attack
By Stockton
In a brazen display, Saudi Nationals attacked the American Consulate in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia. American consulates, like embassies, are United States soil so the attack was not on a diplomatic facility, but against America itself.
According to sources, the Saudi Government is anxiously awaiting President Bush's response to this declaration of war. "He attacked Iraq and Iraq never attacked the United States," said Prince Awah Fatwah I'bn Saud. "I tremble thinking about what he might do to us. After all, Saudi's have actually attacked American soil."
The Saudi Government blames the attack on "deviant" groups that are not representative of a majority of Saudi's. "Yes," said Prince Minniehaha, "deviant groups. Maybe...I don't know....Rotarians or Gay Scout Masters or the Elks Club."
The Bush Doctrine, which makes no distinction between terrorist groups and countries that harbor terrorists, may bode ill for Somalia, according to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. "The Saudi attack on our consulate is further evidence that Somalia poses an imminent threat to the United States of America. Or maybe it's Oman. It's a confusing doctrine."